The. Fine. Print.



In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in Founders Athletics, Founders FC, and/or United Athletics Coalition Inc athletic sports, training, and development program(s), and/or related events and activities, the player, and by extension, the player’s parents acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees to the following player agreement and code of conduct.

 Having been selected to play for Founders FC equates to being given the opportunity to play in a youth soccer setting that is more challenging and competitive than regular Recreational soccer play. To be a successful competitor in these efforts requires discipline and sacrifice by players and their families alike. Players and their teammates must be physically and mentally prepared if they are to succeed.

 Soccer is a team sport. Successful teams are those having players continuously developing their individual skills within the context of team play. Playing time is not guaranteed. Successful teams have higher-level soccer athletes who are committed to understanding and applying the rules of the game in support of their team as well as their own personal development. A player breaking that commitment to themselves and their team, either intentionally or from lack of understanding, hurts the team.

 Travel and higher-level soccer is more demanding of the player and their families than Recreational soccer. The player must sacrifice time to develop individual skills and maintain game fitness both with their team and on their own time in support of their team. Parents must arrange their schedules to make certain players have rides to and from practices, events, games, and tournaments. The player must be appropriately dressed, on time, and physically and mentally prepared if they are to learn and compete with their team.

 Founders FC is a non-profit organization. In order to provide area youth an opportunity to play in higher-level soccer, Founders FC engages in various activities requiring the participation of teams, team officials, players and parents. Typically, these include things like field preparation and maintenance, sponsoring tournaments and other fund-raisers, as well as serving on different committees that are essential to the working operation of the club. Without such participation, there would be no opportunity for play.

 Individual teams are organized in different ways and may execute a season in a different manner than our other teams as long as the Head Coach and the Director of Athletics Programs have agreed on the proposed plans. Teams and Coaches must adhere to all rules and guidelines established by the organizations under which they play. The costs associated with travel soccer and tournaments may be considerable. Any fees associated with lodging, gas, or any aspect of travel to and from practices, games, or tournaments by the player and his/her family are not covered by Founders FC and are the responsibility of the parent(s) to make and pay for their own arrangements. By committing to play at Founders FC, a player and family commits to the team and Founders FC. If the player is accepted on a team, the “formal” commitment is for one full year season which operates on about a 9 month per year program. Travel teams expect their players to give preferential treatment to their games versus other sports. Players and their families should have a clear understanding of what their responsibilities are before joining a Founders FC team as outlined herein.


1.   I will demonstrate discipline with my time so that I am able to make practices and games. I will be appropriately dressed, on time, and physically and mentally ready to participate. I will work on my skills, my fitness, and my understanding of the game so that I can become a better player to further my own development and support the success of my team. 

2.   I will show respect to my coaches, teammates, game officials, my opponents, and the spectators.

3.   I will do what is required of me by my Coaches to support the success of my team, even at the expense of playing my desired position and/or my desired playing time.

4.   I will strive for excellence in all that I do both on and off the field. I understand that my actions are a reflection of my team and will do all that I can to be respectful, treat others with kindness, and maintain the highest level of integrity that is expected of me as a leader both within my team and in my community.

5.   I accept responsibility for my behavior on and off the field.

6.   I understand that what I do and say affects my teammates, my community and other people either positively or negatively.

7.   I act with respect toward myself and the people and things around me, including my parents, my coaches, my teammates, my opponents, and the spectators.

8.   I serve as a role model at all times by talking politely and acting courteously toward coaches, teammates, opponents, officials, and spectators.

9.   I understand that it is a privilege to represent my family and community at Founders FC.

10.  I will strive for 100 percent effort to practices, games, and events.

11.  I understand that my effort demonstrates my commitment to the team and my respect for my coaches and teammates.

12.  I understand that I am striving towards excellence in soccer. Winning games will be the result of the effort the entire team contributes. I understand that at Founders FC, we do not subscribe to a “win at all costs” philosophy.

13.  I will display good sportsmanship.

14.  I will acknowledge and applaud the efforts of others on my team.

15.  I will encourage my teammates with positive statements rather than negative/derogatory attacks.

16.  I will refrain from boasting to my teammates and “trash-talking” to members of other teams.

17.  I will accept defeat graciously by congratulating my opponents on a game well played.

18.  Because I represent my family, community, team, Founders FC, and Founders Athletics, I will abide by the policies, rules, and guidelines of the club, team, and coaches.

19.  I will not use offensive or abusive language at practices or matches.

20.  I will not intentionally harm or threaten coaches, teammates, opponents, or referees.

21.  I will not engage in bullying, harassment, or hazing during any programs, activities, and/or events.

22.  I will not use social networking websites, cell phones, or other forms of technology to harass or threaten coaches, teammates, opponents, or referees.

23.  I will not use and possess illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana at programs, activities, and/or events.

24.  I understand that fighting in any form will not be tolerated.

25.  I will not use performance enhancing or mind-altering drugs (legal or illegal).

26.  I understand there is a zero tolerance policy for referee abuse.

27.  I understand I am expected to know, follow, and play by the soccer laws of the match. Any intentional act of deceiving the match officials to gain an unfair advantage will be considered a violation of the Player Code of Conduct.


1.   I will make certain my player has arranged his/her schedule, to be able to get to practices and games on time and prepared to play. I will arrange transportation, if needed, so they are on time. 

2.   I will show respect to coaches, my player’s teammates, game officials, opponents, and other spectators. Verbal abuse from the sidelines will not be tolerated.

3.   I understand that I am responsible for arranging player transportation to and from training, games, and other team or club events.

4.   I will be positive and encouraging as my player develops throughout the season.

5.   As a parent, I commit to supporting my child's participation on the team and at all club functions. I will support any fundraising activities that are requested of me.


Everyone involved in youth sports has a role to play: players play; coaches coach; officials officiate; and spectators sit in the stands or stand on the sidelines and cheer positively. As parents, your only role at a game is to be a positive supporter of your team. A spectating parent is not an assistant coach. A spectating parent is not an evaluator of officials. A spectating parent is not the judge of other parents. Parents and players are required to adhere to the basic rules of good sportsmanship and respect for one another at all Founders FC events. Situations that become distracting, abusive, or caustic to the players, coaches, team, opponents, or other fans/parents will not be tolerated and may results in removal from the Club. Under these situations, and by acceptance of this agreement, the parent/player fully understands that there will be absolutely no refund of season fees after being removed from the Club for such situations.


1.   The purpose of our Soccer Program is to provide players the opportunity to promote, develop, and pursue excellence in soccer.

2.   Excellence in soccer applies to all involved in our Soccer Program: officers, coaches, players, parents, and team supporters.

3.   For coaches and other team officials, excellence in soccer includes: behavior reflecting positively on the Club, the rules of the game, and the spirit of fair play. Team officials should promote player development in a safe environment appropriate for the age, maturity, experience, and ability of the players. Team officials are also responsible for the conduct of their players, their parents, and other 
team supporters.

4.   For players, excellence in soccer includes: learning and playing within the spirit and rules of the game, and our League and/or Associations. It means showing respect for team and game officials, as well as your teammates and opponents. It means contributing to your team by attending practices and games so you can develop as a player along with your team.

5.   For parents and other team supporters, excellence in soccer means recognizing the game belongs to the players for their growth and enjoyment. Your actions reflect on the players, their team, and our soccer program. Be positive in your encouragement of players and the team, and be respectful of opponents, team and game officials. Be supportive of your player, the team and the Club. Your support is needed for your player and others to participate.

6.   The Club reserves the right to suspend or bar from future participation in Club sponsored activities, individuals or teams for gross or repeated actions contrary to the spirit of excellence in soccer or any of the requirements and responsibilities outlined in the Player/Player Agreement and Code of Conduct.


Digital acceptance of this Player/Parent Agreement & Code of Conduct shall serve as and constitute physical signature of this form and be held legally binding.  


Player Name (please print): _________________________________________________

Player Signature: _______________________________________________

DATE SIGNED: ______________________


Parent Name (please print): _________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

DATE SIGNED: ______________________